- Solar Farm Inquiry - Core Documents List (DOC, 211KB)doc file[212KB]
CD-PA1 - Application Form (PDF 190kb)
CD-PA2 - Site Location Plan (PDF 2.5mb)
CD-PA2a - Location Plan - Eastern Parcel (PDF 3.4mb)
CD-PA2b - Location Plan - Western Parcel (PDF 3.3mb)
CD-PA3 - Site Layout Plan (PDF 4.14mb)
CD-PA3a - Site Layout Plan - Eastern Parcel (PDF 7.8mb)
CD-PA3b - Site Layout Plan - Western Parcel (PDF 9.9mb)
CD-PA4 - Planning Statement (PDF 4.6mb)
CD-PA5 - Design and Access Statement (PDF 2.1mb)
CD-PA6 - Construction Traffic Management Plan (PDF 7.5mb)
CD-PA7 - Environmental Statement (PDF 1.3mb)
CD-PA7a - Environmental Statement Technical Appendices (PDF 8.7mb)
CD-PA7b - Environmental Statement Non-Technical Summary (PDF 1.2mb)
CD-PA8 - Noise Assessment Report (PDF 5.6mb)
CD-PA9 - Flood Risk Assessment (PDF 7mb)
CD-PA10 - Ecological Appraisal (PDF 3.7mb)
CD-PA10a - Ecological Appraisal Appendices (PDF 9.7mb)
CD-PA11 - Landscaping and Ecological Management Plan (PDF 7.7mb)
CD-PA12 - Glint and Glare Assessment (PDF 7.4mb)
CD-PA12a - Glint and Glare Study Review Woodward (PDF 339kb)
CD-PA12b - Glint and Glare Study Review Mooney 1 of 3 (PDF 7.5mb)
CD-PA12c - Glint and Glare Study Review Mooney 2 of 3 (PDF 7.5mb)
CD-PA12d - Glint and Glare Study Review Mooney 3 of 3 (PDF 7.4mb)
CD-PA12e - Glint and Glare Assessment Rev July 2021 Part 1 (PDF 7.8mb)
CD-PA12f - Glint and Glare Assessment Rev July 2021 Part 2 (7.4mb)
CD-PA12g - Glint and Glare Assessment Appendices (PDF 7.4mb)
CD-PA13 - Archaeological Desk Based Assessment (PDF 6.7mb)
CD-PA14 - Agricultural Land Classification Report (PDF 5mb)
CD-PA14a - Aardvark ALC Report (PDF 171kb)
CD-PA14b - ALC Review LR V1 (PDF 130kb)
CD-PA15 - LVIA (Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment) (PDF 722kb)
CD- PA15a - LVIA Appendices (PDF 827KB)
CD- PA15b - LVIA_FIGURE_8_Illustrative_Viewpoints (PDF 9150KB)
CD- PA15c - LVIA_FIGURE_9_Photomontages_part 1 (PDF 9106KB)
CD- PA15d - LVIA_FIGURE_9_Photomontages_part 2 (PDF 8380KB)
CD- PA15e - LVIA_FIGURE_9_Photomontages_part 3 (PDF 5274KB)
CD- PA15f - LVIA_FIGURES_1 to 6 (PDF 3546KB)
CD- PA15g - LVIA_FIGURE_7_Photopanels (PDF 8141KB)
CD-PA16 - Biodiversity Net Gain Report (PDF 746kb)
CD-PA17 - Ground Investigation Assessment (PDF 5mb)
CD-PA18 - Archaeological Evaluation Report (PDF 3.2mb)
CD-PA19 - Geophysical Survey Report (PDF 8.4mb)
CD-PA20 - Planning Committee Minutes 20211111 (PDF 150kb)
CD-PA21 - Statement of Community Involvement (PDF 4.6mb)
CD-PA22 - Decision Notice for 21/0050/FULEI (PDF 243kb)
CD-PA23 - Capacity Review Jumar 1 of 1 (PDF 100kb)
CD-PA24 - DLA-Planning-Report-Solar-Farm-Feb_2021 (PDF 341kb)
CD-PA25 - Planning Committee Update Sheet 20211111 (PDF 582kb)
CD-PA26 - Landscape and Ecology Enhancement Plan (LEEP) Rev G (PDF 6.8mb)
CD-PA27 - Planning Committee Report (PDF 983kb)
CD-PA28 - Screening Opinion (PDF 256kb)
CD-PA29 - Biodiversity Net Gain Metric 3.0 (PDF 1.1mb)
CD-PA30 - Biodiversity Metric 3.0 Calculation Tool
CD-PA31 - PV Elevations - Drawing HF3.0 revision 03 (PDF 225kb)
CD-PA32 - Inverter Transformer Stations - Drawing HF4.0 revision 02 (PDF 251kb)
CD-PA33 - Internal Access Road Elevations - Drawing HF5.0 revision 02 (PDF 257kb)
CD-PA34 - Fence and Gate Elevations - HF6.0 (PDF 369kb)
CD-PA35 - Weather Station Detail - HF7.0 (PDF 256kb)
CD-PA36 - Substation Elevations - HF8.0 (PDF 233kb)
CD-PA37 - Control Room Elevations - HF9.0 (PDF 481kb)
CD-PA38 - Auxiliary Transformer - HF10.0 (PDF 244kb)
CD-PA39 - CCTV Elevations - HF11.0 (PDF 222kb)
CD-PA40 - Battery Container Elevations 40ft - HF12.0 (PDF 250kb)
CD-PA41 - Storage Container Elevations 40ft - HF13.0 (PDF 251kb)
CD-PA42 - Topo Data East - HF14.0 (PDF 801kb)
CD-PA43 - Topo Data West - HF15.0 (PDF 559kb)
CD-PA44 - Hilfield Solar Farm Alternative Site Assessment (PDF 2.3mb)
CD-NPP1 - National Planning Policy Framework NPPF July 2021 (PDF 553kb)
CD-NPP2 - Climate Change Act 2008 (PDF 2.8mb)
CD-NPP3 - Climate Change Act 2008 (2050 Target Amendment) Order (PDF 31kb)
CD-NPP4 - Planning Practice Guidance Renewable & Low Carbon Energy (PDF 5.8mb)
CD-NPP5 - The Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution (November 2020) (PDF 3.4mb)
CD-NPP6 - National Infrastructure Strategy (November 2020) (PDF 5.3mb)
CD-NPP7 - Energy White Paper December 2020 (PDF 11.8mb)
CD-NPP8 - Net Zero Strategy Building Back Greener (October 2021) (PDF 37.1mb)
CD-NPP9 - Conservation Principles Policies and Guidance - April 2008 (PDF 288kb)
CD-NPP10 - Managing Significance in Decision Taking in the Historic Environment (PDF 234kb)
CD-NPP11 - The Setting of Heritage Assets (PDF 329kb)
CD-NPP12 - Statements of Heritage Significance (PDF 366kb)
CD-NPP13 - NPPG - Conserving and Enhancing the Historic Environment (PDF 535kb)
CD-NPP14 - Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
CD-NPP15 - Landscape Institute Technical Guidance Note 06-19 (PDF 1.7mb)
CD-NPP16 - Written Ministerial Statement on Solar Energy Protecting the Local and Global Environment Planning Update March 2015 GOV.UK (PDF 450kb)
CD-NPP17 - EN1 Draft Overarching National Policy Statement for Energy Sept 2021 (PDF 992kb)
CD-NPP19 - Clean Growth Strategy Correction Oct 2017-April 2018 (PDF 5.3mb)
CD-NPP21 - PPG Green Belt GOV.UK (PDF 146kb)
CD-NPP22 - UK Solar PV Strategy Part 2 2014 (PDF 2.2mb)
CD-NPP23 - PPG Historic Environment GOV 23.07.2019 (PDF 656kb)
CD-NPP24 - Renewable and Low Carbon Energy GOV 15 June 2015 (PDF 392kb)
CD-NPP25 - Overarching National Policy Statement for Energy July 2011 EN-1 PDF (961kb)
CD-NPP26 - National Policy Statement for Renewable Energy Infrastructure EN-3 PDF (345kb)
CD-NPP27 - Environment and Climate Change - Hansard - UK Parliament (PDF 1mb)
CD-NPP28 - Digest of UK Energy Statistics July 2022 (PDF 18mb)
CD-NPP29 - Clean Growth Strategy (PDF 5mb)
CD-NPP30 - Achieving Net Zero (PDF 573kb)
CD-NPP31 - British-energy-security-strategy-April 2022 (PDF 1.4mb)
CD-NPP32 - BSI - Methods for Rating and Assessing Industrial and Commercial Sound (PDF 1.9mb)
CD-NPP33 - Lodge to Hilfield Castle 1103570 Listing (PDF 108kb)
CD-NPP34 - Hilfield Castle 1103569 Listing (PDF 122kb)
CD-NPP35 - Slades Farm House, Aldenham 1103614 Listing (PDF 94kb)
CD-NPP36 - Penne's Place Moated Site, Aldenham 1013001 Scheduling (PDF 192kb)
CD-NPP37 - Aldenham House, Aldenham 1000902 RPG (PDF 695kb)
CD-NPP38 - NCA 111 Northern Thames Basin (PDF 5.2mb)
CD-HCCP1 - Hertfordshire Minerals Local Plan Review 2002-2016 (adopted March 2007) (PDF 551kb)
CD-HCCP3 - Hertfordshire Waste Site Allocations Document (adopted July 2014) (PDF 88kb)
CD-HCCP4 - Hertfordshire Landscape Character Area Assessment (2001) (PDF 319kb)
CD-HCCP4a - Hertfordshire Landscape Character Assessment 'Area 16' (PDF 147kb)
CD-HCCP4b - Hertfordshire Landscape Character Assessment 'Area 22' (PDF 142kb)
CD-HCCP5 - GreenArc Strategic Green Infrastructure Plan (with Hertfordshire) 2011 (PDF 3.3mb)
CD-HSPD1a - Biodiversity Trees and Landscape Part A (PDF 420kb)
CD-HSPD1b - Biodiversity Trees and Landscape Part B (PDF 1.7mb)
CD-HSPD1c - Biodiversity Trees and Landscape Part C (PDF 1.4mb)
CD-HSPD1d - Biodiversity Trees and Landscape Part D (PDF 1.6mb)
CD-HSPD2 - Interim Policy Statement on Climate Change Adopted 2020 (PDF 907kb)
CD-HSPD3 - Borehamwood Plateau Landscape Character Area (PDF 142kb)
CD-HSPD4 - Hertsmere Borough Green Infrastructure Plan 2011 (PDF 2.2mb)
CD-HSPD5 - Hertsmere Climate Change and Sustainability Strategy (PDF 558kb)
CD-ID1 - Appeal Statement - Appellant (PDF 371kb)
CD-ID1a - Hilfield Metric 3.0 Assessment (PDF 1.1mb)
CD-ID2 - Appeal Statement - LPA (PDF 433kb)
CD-ID5 - Suggested Conditions (PDF 248kb)
CD-ID6 - COG Statement of Case - FINAL (PDF 223kb)
CD-ID6a - Appendix 1 to Statement of Case - Combined Objectors Group (PDF 62kb)
CD-ID7 - Statement of Case - Rule 6 Party - APC (PDF 1.9mb)
CD-ID8a - Statement of Common Grounds - Heritage (PDF 2.8mb)
CD-ID8i - Statement of Common Grounds – Planning Summary table (PDF 241kb)
CD-ID9 - LPA Proof of Evidence - Planning (PDF 990kb)
CD-ID9a - LPA Proof of Evidence - Heritage 1 of 2 (PDF 611kb)
CD-ID9b - LPA Proof of Evidence - Heritage 2 of 2 (PDF 8.7mb)
CD-ID9c - Summary of LPA Proof of Evidence - Heritage (PDF 222kb)
CD-ID10 - Proof of Evidence - R6P - Aldenham Parish Council (PDF 650kb)
CD-ID10a - Summary Proof of Evidence - R6P - Aldenham Parish Council (PDF 495kb)
CD-ID10b - Appendices to Proof of Evidence - R6P - Aldenham Parish Council (PDF 4.6mb)
CD-ID11 - COG- Proof of Evidence - Planning (PDF 253kb)
CD-ID12 - COG - Proof of Evidence - Landscape (PDF 624kb)
CD-ID12a - COG - Appendices to Landscape Proof of Evidence (PDF 700kb)
CD-ID13 - COG Proof of Evidence - Heritage (PDF 426kb)
CD-ID13a - Appendix 1 to COG's Heritage PoE - Legislation Policy (PDF 150kb)
CD-ID13b - Appendix 2 to COG's Heritage PoE - Methodology (PDF 158kb)
CD-ID13c - Appendix 3 to COG's Heritage PoE - Figures (PDF 12.4mb)
CD-ID13d - Appendix 4 to COG's Heritage PoE - Plates (PDF 5.7mb)
CD-ID14 - COG - Proof of Evidence - Green Belt (PDF 247kb)
CD-ID15 - COG Proof of Evidence - Noise (PDF 131kb)
CD-ID16 - Appellant Proof of Evidence - Planning (PDF 1.5mb)
CD-ID16a - Summary of Appellant's Proof of Evidence - Planning (PDF 241kb)
CD-ID17 - Appellant Proof of Evidence - Landscape (PDF 552kb)
CD-ID18 - Appellant's Proof of Evidence - Heritage (PDF 28mb)
CD-ID18a - Summary of Apellant's Proof of Evidence - Heritage (PDF 189kb)
CD-ID19 - Appellant's PoE Figures 1 to 12 (PDF 123mb)
CD-ADHBC1 - Hangman Hall Farm - 3266505 (PDF 173kb)
CD-ADHBC2 - Barnwell vs East Northamptonshire DC 2014 (PDF 166kb)
CD-ADHBC5 - Recovered Appeal Reference 3147854 Land at Snodworth Farm, Langho (PDF 307kb)
CD-ADHBC7 - Wildie v Wakefield MDC [2013] EWHC 2769 (Admin) (PDF 501kb)
CD-ADHBC8 - Green Farm Iron Action Bristol - 3004513 (PDF 364kb)
CD-ADHBC9 - Havering Solar Farm Brentwood - 3134301 (PDF 411kb)
CD-ADHBC10 - Three Houses Lane North Herts - 3131943 (PDF 224kb)
CD-ADHBC11 - Redeham Hall Tandridge - 3146389 (PDF 379kb)
CD-ADHBC12 - College Farm Aldridge - 3148504 (PDF 340kb)
CD-ADHBC13 - Common Lane - 3140162 3140163* typo error in PoE (PDF 492kb)
CD-ADHBC14 - Park Farm, Stratford on Avon 3029788 (PDF 343kb)
CD-ADAP1 - Forge Fields (PDF 133kb)
CD-ADAP5 - Catesby Estates and SSCLG v Steer Judgment CoA (PDF 316kb)
CD-ADAP6 - Barnwell (PDF 166kb)
CD-ADAP8 - Land North of Halloughton (PDF 256kb)
CD-ADAP9 - Cleve Hill Solar Park - Decision Letter (PDF 440kb)
CD-ADAP10 - Cleve Hill - Examining Authority's Report of Findings and Conclusions (PDF 3.7mb)
CD-ADAP11 - Land West of Wolverhampton West Primary Substation - 3292837 (PDF 137kb)
CD-ADAP12 - Cowley Road SODC Committee Report (PDF 1.2mb)
CD-ADAP13 - Cowley Road Decision Notice January 2022 (PDF 166kb)
CD-ADAP14 - Land South of Monk Fryston Substation - 3290256 (PDF 139kb)
CD-ADAP15 - Cranham Golf Course, St Marys Lane - 2227508 (PDF 258kb)
CD-ADAP16 - Land at Rowles Farm, Bletchington - 2207532 (PDF 87kb)
CD-AD-COG1 - POE Appendix 1 - Hilfield Farm - 3240825 (PDF 153kb)
CD-AD-COG2 - POE Appendix 2 - Land at Redeham Hall, Surrey - 3146389 (PDF 369kb)
CD-AD-COG3 - POE Appendix 3 - Land at Barrow Green - 3133066 (PDF 354kb)
DSDI 1 - Inspector's Site Visit Itinerary (PDF 311kb)
DSDI 2 - Heritage SoCG Summary table (PDF 110kb)
DSDI 3 - Construction Traffic Management Plan Oct 2022 Rev A Complete (PDF 11.2MB)
DSDI 4 - Appellant Opening Statement (PDF 576KB)
DSDI 5- LPA Opening Statement (PDF 582KB)
DSDI 6 - APC Opening statement (PDF 369KB)
DSDI 7 - COG Opening Statement (PDF 621KB)
DSDI 8 - Jefferis (Member of Public) Statement - Redacted (PDF 422KB)
DSDI 9 - Jefferis' Representation to PINs on Solar Farm (PDF 651KB)
DSDI 10 - Jefferis' Photos - tendered 20-10-22 (PDF 670KB)
DSDI 11 - Statement of Common Ground -General (PDF 1.38MB)
DSDI 12 - GLVIA 3rd edition 2013 (PDF 17MB)
DSDI 13 - LPA Culled Google Maps Photos of permissive path routes (PDF 215KB)
DSDI 14 - LEMP April 2021 (PDF 7.87MB)
DSDI 15 - Definitive Map Clarification Note 24.10.22 (PDF 240KB)
DSDI 16 - Definitive Map Photos 24.10.2022 (PDF 4.6MB)
DSDI 17 Definitive Map Viewing Request - Aldenham PRoW 31 32 and 44 (PDF 1.1MB)
DSDI 18 Draft Conditions Schedule 27.10.2022 inc COG (PDF 741KB)
DSDI 19 Statement of Common Ground - Noise 26.10.2022 (PDF 731KB)
DSDI 20 Transport Note 27.10.2022 (PDF 106KB)
DSDI 21 Planning Statement 1355502 (PDF 3MB)
DSDI 22 8398_013 Landscape Strategy Plan (PDF 5MB)
DSDI 23 Note on Glint & Glare for Planning Condition 01.11.2022 (PDF 775KB)
DSDI 24 Conditions 01.11.22 (PDF 608KB)
DSDI 25 Hilfield Solar Farm Note 31.10.2022 (PDF 630KB)
DSDI 26 Hilfield Substation Elevations REV03 (PDF 279KB)
DSDI 27 Hilfield Storage Container Elevations 40ft REV03 (PDF 267KB)
DSDI 28 Hilfield Proposed Site Plan REV19B (PDF 4MB)
DSDI 29 Hilfield Inverter Transformer Stations REV03 (PDF 268KB)
DSDI 30 Hilfield Control Room Elevations REV03 (PDF 511KB)
DSDI 31 Hilfield Battery Container Elevations 40ft REV03 (PDF 269KB)
DSDI 32 2005-012 TN06 Hilfield Solar Farm Speed Survey Summary 22.11.01 (PDF2.8MB)
DSDI 33 Note on FRA Condition 01.11.2022 (PDF 412KB)
DSDI 34 8398_013A Landscape Strategy Plan (PDF 5.5MB)
DSDI 35 Hilfield Inquiry Note Photomontages 02.11.22 (PDF 86KB)
DSDI 36 Appellant Note on Capacity 03-11-22 (PDF 464KB)
DSDI 37 Hilfield Conditions 04.11.22 (PDF 625KB)
DSDI 38 I'm Your Man Limited v Secretary of State for the Environment (PDF 123KB)
DSDI 39 Aldenham Solar Farm Appeal Comments 2022_v2 (PDF 1.3MB)
DSDI 40 Aldenham Solar Farm Appeal Comments 2022_v3_page7 (PDF 608KB)
DSDI 41 EE-01-P01 Site Location Plan (PDF 3MB)
DSDI 42 Closing Submissions on Behalf of the Combined Objectors Group ("COG") (PDF 400KB)
DSDI 43 Closing Submissions on Behalf of the Combined Objectors Group ("COG") Appendix 1 (PDF 148KB)
DSDI 44 APC Rule 6 Closing Submissions (PDF 276KB)
DSDI 45 Appellant's Closing Submissions (PDF 791KB)
DSDI 46 Hilfield Conditions 03.11.22 (PDF 795KB)
DSDI 47 LPA Closing Submissions Including Additional Oral Points (PDF 973KB)
DSDI 48 Email to Planning Inspector from 1-2 Medburn Cottages (PDF 6KB)
DSDI 49 Hilfield Solar Farm Appeal Additional Information PRoW Measurements (PDF 229KB)