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Hertsmere Borough Council makes every effort to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up-to-date. However, we cannot accept responsibility for any loss or inconvenience caused by reliance on inaccurate material contained in this site. Links to other sites are provided for your convenience and do not imply Hertsmere Borough Council\'s endorsement of them. We cannot be responsible for any information contained on other websites.
We cannot accept responsibility for events we publicise on our site that are not organised by Hertsmere Borough Council.
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Ordnance Survey Copyright
© Crown copyright and database rights 2024 Ordnance Survey EUL 100017428Browser does not support script.
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See the Ordnance Survey site for more information.
Contact gis.hertsmere@hertsmere.gov.uk for support regarding Ordnance Survey/PSMA copyright and licensing issues.
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Links to external organisations
Due to the large number of requests we now receive, we cannot agree to add new links from our web pages to voluntary or commercial organisations.
However, in rare cases, where there has been a specific recommendation from the webmaster of the Hertsmere Borough Council service concerned, we may be able to make an exception. If you want us to consider adding a link to your site, please use the "contact us" button at the top of the page where you think your link would be most appropriate and put in the comment box "Request for link". Add the details of your organisation and we will forward it to the appropriate webmaster for consideration.
Linking to an organisation does not represent a recommendation of their goods or services.
For further information about any of the above please contact the Communications Manager.