We publish a number of documents relating to our financial matters.
Statement of Accounts 2023/24
- Notice of Inspection 2023-24doc file[22KB]
- DRAFT Statement of Accounts 2023-24doc file[1.07MB]
- 2023-24 Auditors Annual Report for Hertsmere Borough Councilpdf file[250KB]
- Final 2023-24 Statement of Accounts (Audited)pdf file[8.69MB]
Statement of Accounts 2022/23
- Final Statement of Accounts 2022-23pdf file[2.78MB]
- Revised Statement of Accounts 2022-23pdf file[2.39MB]
- DRAFT Statement of Accounts 2022-23pdf file[2.25MB]
- Notice of Public Rights at Auditpdf file[431KB]
Statement of Accounts 2021/22
- 2021-22 Statement of Accounts Signeddoc file[1.57MB]
- MB43 - Letter of Representation 2021-22doc file[81KB]
Statement of Accounts 2020/21
- Statement of Accounts 2020-21pdf file[3.01MB]
Statement of Accounts 2019/20
- Statement of Accounts 2019-20pdf file[1.56MB]
- Summary of Accounts 2019-20pdf file[882KB]
Statement of Accounts 2018/19
- Statement of Accounts 2018-19pdf file[2.06MB]
Annual external audit
Each year external auditors issue a report about our financial arrangements, looking at securing economy, efficiency, effectiveness, value for money and our overall financial performance.
The work carried out in preparing this report is used in conjunction with other work undertaken by the auditors as part of their annual assessment of our Use of Resources Judgements which are reported each November.
The annual audit and inspection letter incorporates all external audit work carried out during the year and reports on our overall performance.
- Notice of Inspection 2021-22pdf file[431KB]
- Notice of Inspection 2020-21pdf file[434KB]
- Audit Results Report 2019-20pdf file[1.9MB]
- Notice of Inspection 2019-20pdf file[199KB]
- Audit Results Report 2018-19pdf file[5.24MB]
- Notice of Inspection 2018-19pdf file[199KB]
- Annual Audit Letter 2017-18pdf file[1.99MB]
- Audit Results Report 2017-18pdf file[4.85MB]
- HBC Local Code of Governance update May 2018pdf file[476KB]
- Notice of Inspection 2017-18pdf file[86KB]
Annual budget
The annual budget is used to determine the level of council tax paid each year and is approved by the full council each February.
- Draft 25-26 Revenue Budget for Consultationpdf file[412KB]
- Budget Book 24-25doc file[2.49MB]
- Budget Book 23-24doc file[2.54MB]
- Budget Book 22-23pdf file[522KB]
Fees and charges
- Fees and Charges 2024-25doc file[126KB]
- Fees and Charges 2023-24doc file[125KB]
- Fees and Charges 2022-23pdf file[1.16MB]
Finance strategies
Our financial strategy provides a framework to manage our financial resources.
- Financial Strategy 2018-19pdf file[919KB]
Treasury management strategy
- Treasury Management Strategy 2024-25doc file[109KB]
- Treasury Management Strategy 2023-24 finaldoc file[204KB]
- Treasury Management Strategy 2022-23pdf file[947KB]
- Treasury Management Strategy 2021-22pdf file[382KB]
- Treasury Management Strategy 2020-21pdf file[375KB]
Treasury Management Strategy 2019-20
- Treasury Management Strategy 2018-19pdf file[351KB]
- Treasury Management Strategy 2017-18pdf file[145KB]
Annual Governance Statement
- Annual Governance Statement 2023-24doc file[397KB]
- Annual Governance Statement 2022-23doc file[397KB]
- Annual Governance Statement 2021-22doc file[397KB]
- Annual Governance Statement 2020-21pdf file[1.03MB]
- Annual Governance Statement 2019-20pdf file[760KB]
Productivity Plan
- Approved Productivity Plan 2024-25doc file[104KB]
Please note, older documents are available upon request via email at customer.services@hertsmere.gov.uk