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Local Plan Policies
NPPF paragraphs
SP1, SP2
58, 96, 175
Trees are an important part of the environment, offering benefits to general amenity, air quality, water run-off, biodiversity and can contribute to the character of the local area.
General approach
Trees subject to any protection (such as a Tree Preservation Order or where in a Conservation Area) will be expected to be retained unless they require replacement due to their condition
Where proposals would result in the loss of trees, a replacement landscaping assessment will be required.
Any development that has a potential impact on the surrounding landscape or street scene. This is especially the case with flats and commercial developments.
On site provision
Where this can’t be met on-site
Where it is appropriate to do so, the council will require street trees to be included in the landscaping scheme. This will include streets created within developments in appropriate circumstances. It will particularly be applied where the development fronts onto a street with trees in the highway already.
A recognised valuation system (for example The Helliwell System and SPONS Manual) for amenity trees will be used in the calculation of contributions for all trees. This is to calculate spending required on new trees.
All contributions for trees will include the cost of transport, planting (including creating planting pits, supports and fertiliser), and maintenance during the establishment period for a maximum of five years.
On a site specific basis, the council officers will specify the number of street trees required with due consideration given to available planting space and planting distances. Where the highway is not within the development boundary and planting is appropriate on that frontage, a commuted payment for street tree planting (and seven years of maintenance) will be sought through a section 106 agreement or a unilateral agreement.
The CAVAT system would be used to calculate the loss of trees where applicable.
The developer must work in conjunction with the council’s Tree Officer.
Additional advice on trees can be found in the Council’s Biodiversity and Trees SPD.
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