In order to work on a tree in a conservation area you are required to give six weeks' written notice describing what you want to do. This can be done by letter or email - it is recommended that you use the standard form to ensure that you provide all the necessary information. Alternatively you can submit an electronic notification via the Planning Portal.
The purpose of giving notice is to enable us to assess the tree(s) and decide whether they are worthy of being protected with a Tree Preservation Order (TPO). When a notification of tree works in a conservation area is received, there are three options available to us:
- make a TPO if this is justified in the interests of amenity; or
- decide not to make a TPO and let the six week period expire; or
- decide not to make a TPO and write to the applicant to let them know the work can go ahead.
If a tree in a conservation area is felled without consent or is damaged in a manner likely to destroy it you could be liable to an unlimited fine. If other work (such as pruning) is carried out to a tree in a conservation area without consent this could lead to a fine of up to £2,500.