Employment and the local Economy
Local Plan PoliciesNPPF paragraphs
156, 175, 187
Development increases the opportunity for local employment and training. Tackling unemployment and skills gaps can be achieved through sourcing local labour while the causes of unemployment in the Borough can be improved by developing skills that are needed in the local job market
General approach
The Council will expect developers to seek out employment opportunities during the construction phase of development, through direct employment or use of local contractors. Where possible, developers of employment or commercial operations will supply employment opportunities to local people in the completed development. Where it is not possible to secure local employment a contribution to skills and training on-site will accepted, either provided directly or through a recognised training agency Where neither employment nor training can be provided as part of the development, a financial contribution to external training may be accepted.
Residential development over 50 units Non-residential development over 2,500 square metres
Local Employment opportunities (construction – all development)
On site provisionWhere this can’t be met on-site
Working with Hertsmere Borough Council, to provide a commitment to use local labour (direct or through local subcontractors) or local services / suppliers through the construction phase. Where local sourcing of goods or labour cannot be secured, appropriate training will be sought using the standards set out in the Homes & Communities Agency ‘Employment and Skills guidance’ *The developer will be required to contribute to employment and training initiatives run by Skills Agencies nominated by the Council. This will be based on the amount of on-site requirements that would have been due under the HCA Employment and skills guidance
Non-residential development over 2,500 square metres
Local Employment opportunities (operational – non-residential only)
On site provisionWhere this can’t be met on-site
Working with Hertsmere Borough Council and partner skills development agencies, commercial development will be required to offer employment opportunities to Hertsmere residents. In the first instance the following formula will be assumed:The developer will be required to contribute to employment and training initiatives run by Skills Agencies nominated by the Council.
Floor Area Created (m2) Average employee density(m2 per employee) *x% of Hertsmere residents working in the Borough**
The Council have set out its ambitions for skills and employment in its (‘Creative Hertsmere’); the document and related working arrangements with skills providers can be obtained by contacting Hertsmere’s Economic Development Team. * Employment densities can be determined using the HCA Employment Densities Guide ** Hertfordshire County Travel Survey currently estimates 13% of Hertsmere residents work in the Borough. The Council maintain a database of local contractors and service suppliers, to which access can be provided.