Community Safety | |
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Local Plan Policies | NPPF paragraphs |
58, 69, 175 | |
Justification | |
Community Safety is essential to creating sustainable communities and is one of the key objectives of sustainable development identified in national planning policy. The design of buildings and spaces can make a significant contribution towards reducing the scope for crime and for creating more pleasant and reassuring environments to live in. | |
General approach | |
The council will consult, with the relevant emergency service to determine whether there are any specific requirements. The design of development should be consistent with the council’s Planning and Design Guide (Section 8.3 Designing out Crime) and the Association of Chief Police Officers ‘Secured by Design’ guidance. | |
Trigger : | |
Where deemed relevant during the determination of a planning application | |
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CCTV | |
On site provision | |
There may be a contribution request towards Hertsmere Borough Council CCTV provision which will include the capital cost towards the supply, installation and/or monitoring of CCTV. This will be decided on a case by case basis in detail in conjunction with the Community Safety Officer at Hertsmere Borough Council. | |
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Fire Hydrants | |
On site Provision | |
The County Council (it its capacity as Fire and Rescue Authority) will advise if there is a need to secure appropriate access to fire hydrants in accordance with BS 5588-5 2004. | |
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Notes | |
The Hertsmere Community Safety Partnership Plan contains the relevant contact details of the emergency service. Hertsmere Planning and Design Guide
‘Secured by Design’ guidance | |