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Planning and Building Control
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Developer Contributions Framework (DCF)
1 Introduction: The Purpose of this Framework
1 a) CIL and the use of Section 106
1 b) Section 106
2 The Policy Context: Overview
3 How this process fits into the Development Team Approach
4 Hertsmere CIL Charging Schedule and Infrastructure Funding Statement
4 a) Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Areas
4 b) Regulation 123 List
5 Allocation of CIL Expenditure: Regulatory Requirements
5 a) Allocation of CIL expenditure in Hertsmere
6 Possible s106 contributions and indicative calculations of potential costs
6 a) Open Space and Amenity
6 b) Employment and the local Economy
6 c) Air Quality
6 d) Trees
6 e) Community Safety
6 f) Parking and Travel Plans
6 g) Town Centres and Public Realm
6 h) Monitoring and Administration
7 Affordable Housing
7 a) Off-site provision of Affordable Housing
8 The Hertsmere approach to s106 agreements and unilateral undertakings
8 a) Financial and Legal Matters
9. Approach to S106 and Elstree Way Corridor
9 a) Primary School
9 b) Health Facility
9 c) Approach to S106 and Elstree Way Corridor: Highways Improvements