6 Possible s106 contributions and indicative calculations of potential costs

Where CIL expenditure has not been prioritised for infrastructure delivery deemed necessary by this framework to allow a development to proceed, the council will seek delivery via s106. The nature of such contributions will depend on the development proposed, the infrastructure required and the opportunities to secure delivery.

The following section provides a broad indication of the potential on-site requirements that the council will require as part of any application that meets or exceeds the given thresholds; such requirements should be provided within the overall design of the proposal. Not all development will be required to supply the following requirements, particularly if capacity already exists within the proximity of the proposed site. Where a development is required to make a contribution, but is unable to provide this on-site or within the vicinity of the site, the council may exceptionally allow payment in kind; the following sections therefore offer an indication of the likely cost that may apply.

Developers should have regard to any specific requirements that may be applicable to their proposal by way of the council’s emerging Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Plan. In all cases, approaching the council for a pre-application assessment will provide greater clarity on potential s106 requirements (although this should not be considered as a formal determination).

Other stakeholders may request the provision of specific facilities (such as Hertfordshire County Council, NHS/Clinical Commissioning Group or Hertfordshire Constabulary) and where this is unlikely to be supplied from CIL, delivery via S106 may be required. Such requests will only be considered where it is consistent with the policy framework and where a clear need is demonstrated consistent with Regulation 122.