Local Plan 2012-2027: Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Plan

Adopted SADM Plan

The Site Allocations and Development Management (SADM) Policies Plan  was adopted by Full Council on 23 November 2016 following an Examination in Public, so is now being given full weight in the determination of planning applications.

The SADM Policies Plan has three main purposes:

  • to provide environmental and other criteria, against which all development proposals and planning applications can be judged;
  • to define sites and areas. These are shown on a policies map and include the Green Belt, towns and villages, town centres, employment areas, housing sites and open spaces. For site proposals (e.g. housing sites), the plan lists specific planning criteria or constraints to which development proposals should adhere; and
  • to deliver the policies set out in the Hertsmere Core Strategy 2013.

Please read the SADM Plan in conjunction with the other documents in the Local Plan 2012-2027, including the Policies Map.

Adoption Statement

View the Adoption Statement.

Sustainability Appraisal

The Sustainability Appraisal that accompanied the submission draft of the SADM Plan should be read alongside the updated appraisal which considered the Main Modifications to the SADM Plan.

Important note:

The Hertsmere Local Plan 2003 no longer has effect and is not used in planning decisions. It is still available on the website for information in relation to historic planning applications.

Please note that the current Local Plan for Hertsmere (2012-2027) consists of the following development plan documents: