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Apply for strategic funding to benefit the borough

Last Modified May 16, 2024

Do you represent an organisation in Hertsmere which provides key infrastructure, such as schools or healthcare facilities?

If so, the Hertsmere Community Infrastructure Levy Investment Panel (CILIP) is now accepting Strategic CIL bids for the delivery of new infrastructure to meet the needs of growth across the borough.

Our Strategic Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) bid fund is now open for applications from those who are primarily responsible for delivering services and facilities that benefit everyone in our communities.

Applications can be made to help fund strategic infrastructure such as the building or extension of schools and health centres, improvements to bus services or enhancing electricity or water supply. Projects which encourage sustainable modes of transport, such as walking and cycling, could also be considered, as well as those which aim to improve or create new green spaces, play areas or sports facilities and ultimately benefit our residents’ health and wellbeing.

Councillor Nik Oakley, our Portfolio Holder for Planning, Infrastructure and Transport, said: “We’re committed to sustainable growth and to improving the lives of all of our residents, and making the borough an even better place in which to live and work, and to visit. So it’s absolutely vital that we work closely with partners that ultimately deliver the required strategic infrastructure which make sure that, for example, there are sufficient school places and health centres.

"As the planning authority, we are responsible for charging and collecting CIL money. Our Strategic CIL scheme could provide the additional funding which can prove pivotal in enabling a major infrastructure project to become a reality. If you are a service provider, then please get in touch. Our Planning and Economic Development team is available to guide you through the application process.”

For an application form, and to find out more including the criteria by which applications are assessed, please visit: www.hertsmere.gov.uk/cilfund

Applications are welcome at all times, but must be submitted no later than three weeks ahead of a CILIP meeting in order to be considered at the next panel. Our CILIP is a cross-borough, cross-party group of councillors.

Posted on Thursday 16th May 2024

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