Ward Improvement Initiative Scheme (WIIS)

Each councillor has £750 this year, which they can allocate to local organisations for worthwhile projects that achieve The 2024-2027 Hertsmere Vision - Delivering Better Futures. Which you can read here: https://www.hertsmere.gov.uk/your-council/official-publications-guides-policies/corporate-plan.

What can be funded through the scheme?

Some typical improvement projects which would be eligible for consideration under WIIS are:

  • Improvements to public areas, such as chairs, benches, children's play equipment, adult outdoor fitness equipment and improved signage.
  • New or replacement equipment for either a community hall or meeting place which promotes greater levels of use by the local community.
  • New or replacement equipment for a not-for-profit organisation whose activities support our corporate goal(s).
  • Local events which promote our corporate goal(s) such as organised sport, physical activity, heritage or cultural life.

Other improvement ideas not covered here may also be eligible for consideration under WIIS if they are consistent with our current corporate vision. Please note, this list is not exhaustive.

How do I apply for funding?

You should discuss your proposal with your local councillor before completing the Application Form. Please read the Guidance Notes beforehand and then submit your completed application forms to grantapplications@hertsmere.gov.uk.

Once submitted, your application will be reviewed by the named Councillor(s) who will then decide whether or not to support it. The application will then be assessed by senior officers within the council. You will be notified by letter or email whether or not your application has been successful and, if applicable, the process to follow to claim the funding.

The 2024/25 scheme will close at the end of March 2025. Updated information about the 2025/26 year will then be added and the scheme will aim to open in April 2025.

Who can receive funding?

Any properly constituted group, club or organisation, which is based in, or operates for the benefit of the residents of Hertsmere and has its own bank account.

For further information

Please contact for guidance/information: