Hertsmere Vision 2024-27 - Delivering better futures
The new Hertsmere Vision 2024-27 was agreed at Cabinet in April 2024 and reflects a simplified approach to articulating our ambitions for the borough.
The Hertsmere Vision sets out our high level aspirations across three main areas: Our Communities, Our Places and Our Services and our achievements from the previous year in each of these areas. A set of Corporate Values have been developed to articulate to customers, partners and staff the beliefs, values and principles that guide our work and how we interact with them.
The Vision is underpinned by the Corporate Plan for 2024/25 which sets how we will deliver against our vision in the year ahead whilst reflecting on achievements from the previous year. This will be updated on an annual basis.
Annual Reports
These retrospective high level documents have been reported annually at Full Council and highlight achievements made in each priority area over the previous year. The annual report also provides information on the quality service indicator set which aims to ensure high standards of delivery are maintained across key services. From 2023/24 in line with the updated
- Performance Management Frameworkpdf file[971KB]
, this will be incorporated into the Corporate Plans and Cabinet Performance Reports.