We have a statutory duty to guide development within our borough and use a number of policies and guides to do so.
The Hertsmere Local Plan (2012-2027) is made up of four parts:
- Core Strategy, adopted January 2013. Find out more about the process of adopting the Core Strategy.
- Elstree Way Corridor Area Action Plan, adopted July 2015. Find out more about the Elstree Way Corridor Area Action Plan.
- Site Allocations and Development Management (SADM) Policies Plan document, adopted November 2016. Find out more about the SADM Policies Plan.
- Policies Map.
Hertsmere Local Plan documents
- Core Strategy - Development Plan Document (DPD)pdf file[1.7MB]
- Elstree Way Corridor Area Actionpdf file[7.51MB]
- Site Allocations and Development Management (SADM) Policies Planpdf file[7.57MB]
These Development Plan Documents are supported by a number of additional documents known as Supplementary Planning Documents.