Licences A to Z

Licences and registrations are required from us for a number of activities and you are not permitted to carry out the activities until the licences are in place.

For certain activities, you may not need a licence from us, but from another organisation.

Animal boarding licence

Animal Boarding is now licensed under the new Animal Activities Licence

Animal movement

The conditions which apply to the movement of animals vary according to the type of animal, the destination and the type of trip.

Licences can be obtained from the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs. (DEFRA)

Building materials

If you wish to place building materials on any part of the highway you need to get permission from Hertfordshire County Council.

A licence is not normally necessary if materials are placed on private land.

Car boot sale

You do not need a licence from us for a car boot sale.

Caravan site

You need a licence to run a caravan and camping site.

Charity collections

You need a permit if you want to carry out house-to-house collections, you also need a permit for street collections

Dangerous wild animals

You need a licence from us to keep a dangerous wild animal.

Dog breeding

Dog Breeding is now licensed under the new Animal Activities Licence

Food business registration

You need to be registered with us to run a food business.

Gambling premises

Premises such as casinos, bingo halls betting shops and amusement arcades need a licence under the Gambling Act 2005

Highway projection

If something you are doing may protrude / project over a public highway you may need a licence from Hertfordshire County Council.


You need to register certain types of lottery and submit returns

Performing Animals

Performing Animals are licensed under the new Animal Activities Licence

Performance / stage licences for school age children

Children taking part in performances, such as broadcast performances, child photography or modelling, must have a licence from Hertfordshire County Council.

Petroleum licensing

Petroleum licensing is carried out by Hertfordshire County Council.

Pet shop

Pet Shops and Animal Vending are now licensed under the new Animal Activities Licence

Riding premises

Riding Premises are now licensed under the new Animal Activities Licence

Scaffolding and hoarding

When carrying out any building work/maintenance or removal of any part of a property which is adjacent to the public highway (road, pavement or rear lane), the safety of all users of the highway must be paramount. Permission is required from Hertfordshire County Council for a Scaffolding licensing application.

Scrap metal

Scrap Metal Dealers are licenced under the Scrap Metal Act 2013

Second hand goods

You do not need a licence to trade in second hand goods in Hertsmere, but some local authorities require that you do so if you are going elsewhere remember to check with the relevant local authority first.


You need a licence from Hertfordshire County Council if you wish to place a skip on the highway.

Street cafe

If you want to use a portion of a public street, road or place for the sale of food and drink and for the placing of tables, chairs and other furniture outside a restaurant or cafe for customers to use then you need a licence. Presently you can apply for a pavement licence under the Business and Planning Act 2020.

Alternatively you may wish to complete a street cafe application from Hertfordshire County Council.

Street trading

Consent is needed from the Council to sell any article to the public from the street. View our Street Trading Licensing for further details.

Water sports

Certain adventure activities for under 18s need to undergo inspection of their safety management systems and become licensed.

Activities covered include commercially run:

  • caving
  • climbing
  • trekking
  • watersports

You need to apply to the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority


You need a licence from us to run a zoo.