If you are holding a Street collection to collect money or sell articles for the benefit of charitable or other purposes and that collection is to be held in a street or public place you need to obtain a licence from us first, otherwise such a collection is illegal.
A public place is defined as a 'place where the public has access'.
Collections in shop doorways or car parks, even if on privately owned land, are not exempt from licensing regulations and will also need a Street Collection Licence.
A shop doorway or carpark, when that shop is open for trading, is defined as a public place because the public has access at that time. A Pedlars Licence, issued by the Police, cannot be used for this purpose.
How much does it cost?
There is no cost for a licence but there are rules to be followed in applying and regulations which govern this type of collection. This includes:
- Street collections are usually made by charities
- Collections usually take place in a town centre on busy shopping days
- Money is collected in tins.
- Consents are restricted to enable charities to raise money without their collections clashing with those of other charities
The requirement to obtain consent is to ensure collectors are properly authorised and that money is collected in a secure way and the total proceeds collected are properly accounted for.
How can i apply?
To apply for a licence:
- and return it to us. Following the collection, you must also complete a form and sent it to us.
- Visit one of our offices to pick up a form.
You can also apply online, via the national Government website:
A copy of the Police, Factories, etc. (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1916 can be viewed at our main Civic Offices.