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Hertsmere is no place for hate

Last Modified October 08, 2024
Hate Crime with TellMAMA and Hertsmere 141024

Hertsmere is no place for hate - that’s the message from the council at the start of National Hate Crime Awareness Week.

National Hate Crime Awareness Week (12 - 19 October) is aimed at raising awareness of all forms of hate incidents and crimes, including homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, faith discrimination and disability discrimination. 

The council, in partnership with SAFE by CST, is running a free ‘Hate Crime’ webinar on Monday 14 October from 2pm to 3.15pm. The seminar includes a welcome introduction from Iman Atta OBE from TellMAMA and looks at how to deal with the current five strands of hate crime.

Speakers will discuss the complexity of hate crime, how it can affect entire communities and how it can spread. The webinar focuses on hate speech and how online hatred can cross over into our everyday lives.

In addition, the council is working with Hertfordshire Constabulary to organise community engagement events across the borough to raise awareness of hate crime and how to report incidents.

Cllr Chris Gray, Portfolio Holder for Communities, Neighbourhoods, Enforcement, Economic Development and Transformation, said: “Hertsmere has a proud history as a welcoming and inclusive borough that celebrates diversity. However, hate crime is a very real issue for many in our community and can cause significant harm to its victims. If you have been a victim of hate crime - don’t suffer in silence.

“We will not tolerate hate in our diverse and welcoming borough. If you’ve been affected by a hate crime, make sure you report it. There are also helplines that can provide support and advice, and by reporting hate crimes you’ve experienced or witnessed, you can help become a part of this movement to tackle hate in Hertsmere and to help bring those who commit hate crimes to justice.”

To find out more about hate crime, how to report it and support organisations available, please visit: www.hertsmere.gov.uk/hatecrime.

Hertsmere Borough Council and the Healthy Hub on Leeming Road are also third party reporting centres. You can contact our Customer Services Team on 020 8207 2277 or customer.services@hertsmere.gov.uk

CST is a charity that protects British Jews from antisemitism and related threats. The SAFE Programme was established in 2019 to help communities in the UK to access relevant security advice. SAFE shares the CST’s security knowledge with groups outside the Jewish community that are vulnerable to violence, extremism or hate crime.

To find more SAFE safety advice, please visit: https://linktr.ee/SAFE_CST

To book on to the seminar visit:  https://events.zoom.us/ev/Amerp1g8mTNOzLfsyLUhxZJp6ZxLgzaN3i-acRz8ZC8qG7GYQuT3~AqqoWK3v4xVzH-Mpc0g9UQqNTSvJi1NFS0hf1RTCDHKK_b0GIzXHj93IEuy4C4GU9EHqqYg-MkxLvwY-xyZtXhILOg

Posted on Tuesday 8th October 2024

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