Hertsmere has begun an Electoral Review. This is conducted by the Local Government Boundary Commission for England and is an examination of the council’s electoral arrangements. It is a separate process to the national Parliamentary Constituency boundary review.

The electoral review for Hertsmere will determine the following:

  1. The total number councillors.
  2. The total number wards.
  3. The ward boundaries.
  4. The number councillors elected to each ward.
  5. The names of each ward.

Public consultation on proposed warding patterns have taken place between 10 January 2017 and 20 March 2017 (see our news release)with further consultation on the draft recommendations between 6 June 2017 and 7 August 2017. The final recommendations will be published and order establishing the new electoral arrangements will be made during winter 2017. The borough elections to be held in May 2019 will be run under these new arrangements.

Further information can be found on the Local Government Boundary Commission for England’s website http://www.lgbce.org.uk/

Please check this page for the proposals which will be posted here as soon as they become available.