This page provides details of the 2025/26 draft budget.
Each year, we set our budget for the upcoming financial year. We are required by law to set a balanced budget which means our budgeted expenditure should be equal to our anticipated income.
Our Cabinet considered the draft budget for the financial year 2025/26 at their meeting on 15 January 2025 and recommended the budget for consultation. Part of the consultation process is seeking the views from our residents and business rates payers about our plans.
We have produced a draft budget summary (DOC, 266KB) to help explain the background, statutory requirements, the budgets themselves and the challenges that come with setting our budgets.
If you would like to read through the full details of the 2025/26 draft budget presented in the 15 January Cabinet you can view the report on the meeting agenda.
You can provide your views on the draft budget by visiting our consultation hub and completing a short survey no later than 16 February 2025 to allow your comments to be considered in the final budget papers.
Take our surveyThe final budget will be presented to the Full Council for approval on 26 February 2025.