Land Lying to the East of Hartfield Avenue and Fronting onto Barnet Lane, Elstree Appeal
Planning appeal ref: APP/N1920/W/23/3329947
Planning application ref: 23/0053/OUT
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About the inquiry
The public Inquiry is being held into our decision to refuse planning application 23/0053/OUT
At: Land Lying to the East of Hartfield Avenue and Fronting onto Barnet Lane, Elstree, Herts
for: Residential development of up to 74 dwellings, with associated landscaping, amenity space, Self-Build plots, sustainable urban drainage (SuDs), and associated works. (Outline Application to include Access, with all other matters Reserved) (description updated 04/04/2023).
Please note that this is a part in-person event and a part virtual event.
Dates for the Inquiry
The inquiry will open on Tuesday 6 February 2024 at 10am at the Civic Offices, Elstree Way, Borehamwood, Herts WD6 1WA and it continues on the following dates:-
- Wednesday 7 February - starts at 9.30am
- Thursday 8 February - starts at 9.30am - adjourned until Tuesday 13th February.
- No sitting - Friday 9 February
The above dates are IN-PERSON events.
The dates below will be VIRTUAL events only.
- Tuesday 13 February - starts at 9.30am - Inquiry concluded.
Accompanied Site visit taking place 5 February 2024 at 2pm starting outside 8 Hartfield Close Borehamwood. (pdf 3080 kb)
The inquiry timetable for each day's sessions is available to view here
- Timetablepdf file[801KB]
(pdf 801kb)
Please note that this is a part in-person event and a part virtual event.
(pdf 176kb) for the appeal. Each Core Document has its own reference number (e.g. CDA.7).
ALL the core documents can be viewed individually and are each listed as an ‘Inquiry Document-Core'. To search for all Core Documents please use the link: Core Documents.
Documents submitted during the Inquiry
- list of documents submitted during the Inquirypdf file[58KB]
(58kb pdf)
Search for All Documents Submitted during Inquiry. All documents submitted during the course of the Inquiry can be viewed individually and are each listed as an 'Inquiry Document - Other'.
Further documents and links will be added to this page during the course of the inquiry.