The Affordable Housing SPD adopted in November 2015 supplements policies CS4, CS5 and CS7 of the
- Core Strategy.pdf file[1.7MB]
All development sites of ten units or more (gross) and all residential sites of more than 0.2ha. This includes use class C2. The only exception is a single replacement dwelling on a large plot (0.2 ha or above) to replace an existing single dwelling.
40% of residential units in postcode areas EN5 4, WD25 8, WD7 8 and WD7 7; and at least 35% of residential units in all other locations.
Size mix:
The mix of affordable units should be agreed with the council’s appointed housing officer at an early stage in the process having regard to the guidance set out in the SPD.
Tenure mix:
The tenure mix is to be agreed with the council’s appointed housing officer having regard to the guidance set out in the SPD. It is likely that on sites of 15 or more dwellings, affordable homes comprising three bedrooms or more will need to remain as social rented.