South Mimms Conservation Area was first designated in 1998. It includes the historic core of the village of South Mimms, contained within the linear development along Blanche Lane from the thirteenth century church of St Giles to the small village green and westwards up to the M25 motorway.
We have conducted an appraisal on the Conservation Area which included a public consultation in 2023. The South Mimms Conservation Area Appraisal can be found below:
- South Mimms Conservation Area Appraisal 2024pdf file[5.52MB]
The appraisal sets out a number of recommendations to help preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the area, including some revisions to the Conservation Area boundary.
As part of these revisions, the Conservation Area Appraisal has identified the following locations for inclusion within the Conservation Area:
- Hazeldene and Hazelmere, St Albans Road
- Ingham Lodge and Cedar Lodge on the western side of Greyhound Lane
The Conservation Area boundary has also been amended to ensure it fully aligns with the property boundaries at:
- Arlingham House, St Albans Road
- Properties on the western side of Hamilton Close
- A property on the western of Blanche Lane
The Conservation Area boundary has also made the following revisions:
- Removal of verges and front gardens along the eastern side of St Albans Road, including the roundabout with Cecil Road.
- Removal of two small areas of land to the south and west of the existing conservation area, and the removal of an open piece of agricultural land to the north-west.
Please refer to the published document above for further details. Please note that the report was initially prepared in 2020 but public consultation was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.