Temporary Event Notice (TEN) Under the Licensing Act 2003

What are Temporary Event Notices (TENs)?

A TEN authorises licensable activities provided that no more than 499 people present. You must be at least 18 to apply.

Temporary Event Notice Criteria

Standard TEN

submit your application at least 10 clear working days before the start of your event.

This period excludes:

  • the day on which the Council receives your application
  • the day(s) of your proposed event
  • and Saturdays, Sundays, bank holidays or other public holidays

If an objection is made the Council will hold a hearing to determine whether to allow the activities to occur.

Late TEN

You are permitted to give a small number of late temporary event notices each year, which can be submitted between five and nine clear working days before the start of your event. The same exclusions as above would apply.

Late TENs will not be granted if an objection is made.

We cannot accept any temporary event notice which is given to us less than five full working days before the start of the event.

Duration of event and capacity

A temporary event notice can last for a maximum of 168 consecutive hours (equivalent to seven days) from start to finish with no more than 499 people present at any one time. If you are arranging a single event with a longer duration or larger capacity you will need to apply for a Premises Licence

Multiple events

If you are organising multiple events at a single premises, you will need to ensure that there is a gap of at least 24 hours between the end of one temporary event notice and the start of another. If you are planning events on consecutive days, you can put these on to a single TEN, subject to the other criteria being met. Each 'premises' can have up to 20 temporary event notices in a calendar year , but can not be authorised for more than 26 days in a calendar year.

The definition of premises includes any building, land, vessel or vehicle, or part thereof, providing that there is adequate separation and control of each separate part of the premises.

Quota of events by applicant

In each calendar year, an individual applicant is permitted to give:

  • up to 50 temporary event notices, if they hold a valid personal licence
  • up to 5 temporary event notices, in all other circumstances

This limit applies across the whole of England and Wales, so if you've already given temporary event notices in another council area, you will be able to give fewer TENs in Hertsmere.

Apply for a Temporary Event Notice (TEN)

You must be at least 18 to apply for a TEN.

If you choose to make an online application the Licensing Department at Hertsmere will notify the responsible authorities on your behalf.

Postal applications:

  • Complete a
  • Produce three further copies.
  • Send the original and one copy along with £21 payable to Hertsmere Borough Council Licensing department. These must be received no later than 10 working days before the date on which the event begins to class as a standard TEN and 5 working days for late TEN.
  • Send the second copy to Senior Environmental Health Officer at Hertsmere Borough Council.
  • Send the third copy to the Police Licensing Officer at:

Licensing Officer, Community Safety Unit, Borehamwood Police Station, Elstree Way, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, WD6 1WA.

If your TEN is for an event wholly or partly in the open air, please submit a scale plan clearly identifying the area to be used with your notice to the licensing team, police and environmental health.


If an objection is made against your temporary event notice, we will let you know as soon as possible. What happens next will depend on how far in advance you applied:

  • if you gave a standard TEN: we will arrange for your temporary event notice to be considered by our Licensing Sub-Committee (a panel of three councillors) at a public hearing, and you will be invited to attend this. After hearing from all parties, the Sub-Committee will make a decision either to allow your event to take place, or to issue a counter-notice which will veto the event. If the event is allowed to take place and the application relates to licensed premises, the Sub-Committee may also decide to bring forward conditions from the premises licence and apply these to the temporary event notice.
  • if you gave a late TEN: we will automatically issue a counter-notice, which vetoes the event. Given the limited timescales, there is no right to a hearing in these cases.

Please note: we do not issue refunds for applications that are out of time or invalid for any of the other reasons set out in the above list. It is important to ensure that all Temporary Event Notices are made as early as possible - a minimum of 10 full working days before the event date for a standard TEN submission, or five full working days for a late TEN submission. This does not include the date that we receive the notice, the date of the event, or any weekends or bank holidays. Please contact the Licensing Team for advice if you need to check any of the limits before applying.

Email: licensing.services@hertsmere.gov.uk

Please note:

  • The contents of these pages are provided as an information guide only. They are not a full and authoritative statement of the law and do not constitute professional or legal advice. Any statements on these pages do not replace, extend, amend or alter in any way the statutory provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 or any subordinate legislation made under it or statutory guidance issued in relation to it. We accept no responsibility for any errors, omissions or misleading statements on these pages, or any site to which these pages refer. In particular, it must be noted that, although we have made every effort to ensure that the information in these pages is correct, changes in the law and the nature of implementation mean that the information in these pages cannot be guaranteed as accurate.