All sales of alcohol from licensed premises must be made by an individual holding a Personal Licence under the Licensing Act 2003. You must apply to the local authority covering the area in which you live, not the authority in which you work. You must hold a Personal Licence to be named as the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) on a premises licence.

Before you apply

You must also be 18 years of age or over and hold a personal licence you must have a recognised licensing qualification. This is usually described as a Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders. Obtaining the qualification usually requires attending 1 day course and sitting an exam at the end of that course. A list of all companies authorised to provide this course can be found here: accredited personal licence qualification providers

You must obtain a Basic Criminal Record Disclosure to submit to the Council you can obtain a basic check from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) or through a Responsible Organisation registered with the DBS. The Police have a right to object to a person obtaining a licence if they have been convicted of a relevant offence. If you have been convicted of any criminal offences you my want to check if it is classed a relevant offence before applying. You can do this by contacting the Council or taking your own legal advice.

Your basic disclosure must be no more than one calendar month old at the time it is received by the Council.

Apply for a new Personal Licence

You must submit all documents to us by post or, by e-mail (in certain situations if agreed in advance with a Licensing Officer).

Application Form and Declaration

  • You must complete this and
  • This ;

Documents to submit with your application

You must submit the following:

  • Your licensing qualification certificate;
  • Basic Criminal Record Disclosure (dated within the last calendar month)
  • Two passport photographs: One of these photo's must be endorsed on the back as your true likeness by a person who works in (or is retired from) a recognised profession or who is a ‘a person of good standing in their community’. You can find specific detail here:Accepted occupations for countersignatures, It is recommended that the person signing your photo completes this: ;
  • The application fee of £37. You can pay this online or over the phone.

Incomplete applications will be rejected and returned.