Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003

Any premises that is used for the sale or supply of alcohol, regulated entertainment or to provide hot food and drinks between 11pm and 5am must be authorised by the Licensing Authority. An authorisation can be a Premises Licence, Club Premises Certificate or, for small scale one off occasions, a Temporary Event Notice.

Who can apply for a premises licence?

Any person intending to use the premises for licensable activities can apply for a premises licence including;

  • An individual aged 18 or over
  • A recognised club
  • A limited company
  • A partnership
  • Another prescribed body such as a Charity or educational institution.

How do i apply for a premises licence?

You will need to submit to the Licensing Authority:

  • Plan of the premises
  • Signed by a personal licence holder authorising the sale of alcohol;
  • The relevant Fee.

Club premises do not need a DPS but instead must submit a copy of other documents proving the constitution of the club and the club rules.

You must send copies of the application form, plan and consent form to all the responsible authorities on this list:

Once submitted you must advertise your application in accordance with the relevant regulations.