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We only collect from households that have signed up for the service and present a sticker on their green bin.

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Time is set aside at our full council meetings to enable you to ask Cabinet members a question. The question must relate to our council’s business or an issue which affects our borough. This is done through the Mayor who chairs these meetings.

Please note, that the Question procedure has been revised.

  • We are only able to take a maximum of six questions from members of the public for each meeting.
  • The question must include the name and address of the questioner and name the Cabinet Member to whom it is to be put.
  • They must be received in writing to the Democratic Services Manager at the Council Offices, or by email to no earlier than midnight 28 days prior to the day of the meeting, and no later than midday, 14 days prior to the meeting.

You can use this link to see the deadlines for submission of questions to Council.

Please note: There is no public question time at the Annual Meeting of the Council (usually May), the meeting that sets the Budget (usually February) or at any Extraordinary Meetings of the Council.