Attending Licensing Sub-Committee hearings

Members of the public are welcome to attend Licensing Sub-committee hearings as observers.

If you wish to object to or support a licence application, you can make a representation to the Council's Licensing department. You have to do this within the 28 day consultation period for that application. There is more information about applications and making a representation on our Licensing pages.

If you have made a representation, you may speak at the hearing if you wish to do so. You can be assisted or represented by someone, this person does not have to be legally qualified. If you would like someone else (other than your representative) to appear on your behalf, then you must tell us who it will be, and give a brief description of the point/s you wish to be made. The Chairman of the hearing will let you know if they will be allowed to speak.

Sometimes members of the public are excluded from hearings. If this happens then we will explain the reasons why.

If you want to withdraw any representation you have made, please tell us at least 24 hours before the hearing is due to be held. This way, if all parties are in agreement, the meeting can be cancelled. If this is not possible, then you can tell us at the hearing.