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Special parking permits are issued to organisations whose staff need to park in residential parking bays within a controlled parking zone (CPZ) during the times the restrictions apply in order to carry out their official business. For example, health visitors, doctors or other essential services.
Where does it cover?
It covers parking in a residential parking bay within a controlled parking zone during the times the restrictions apply and only when attending a residential property to carry out official duties.
How much does it cost?
Each permit is £35, valid for one year.
What information do I need to provide?
We will need official documentation with your application to confirm the type of service that is carried out. This is to ensure that you are a legitimate user of the CPZ scheme and that the scheme is not used by those who are not entitled to.
How can I apply?
You will need to meet set criteria before you can apply. You will need to show that:
- Your organisation is providing essential care, educational, health or other essential community service for residents within the controlled parking zones;
- There is a need to park within a controlled parking zone to provide that service;
- You do not already have spare or under-used permits, which could be re-allocated.
Please write to Parking Services at our address below or email cpz@hertsmere.gov.uk detailing the reasons why you need this type of permit.
You can return your application to us by post to the Civic Offices or by email, to cpz@hertsmere.gov.uk.
If you meet the criteria you will be sent an application form to complete. On receipt of your completed application form please allow 10 days for it to be processed.