Update 24/10/2014.
The Council adopted the Community Infrastructure Levy on 17 September 2014 and CIL came into effect on all applications determined on, or after, 1 December 2014.
The Planning Obligations SPD has now been superseded by the Council’s web-based ‘Developer Contributions Framework’.
This page is retained for historic reference only (for example for use in the case of planning appeals) and this document must no longer be used to calculate developer contributions on planning applications.
Superseded Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
The Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) sets out the basis for financial contributions which we seek in association with new development.
The Council has adopted the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and it will be coming into effect for all planning applications determined on or 1 December 2014. We are working on producing a Developer Contributions Framework which will replace the guidance below.
Planning obligations are negotiated within the context of determining planning applications. They may, for example, restrict development or use of the land, require the land to be used in a specified way, or require payments to be made to us that are necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms.
The SPD currently focuses on the financial contributions association with Section 106 (s106) agreements.
We also have delegated powers to negotiate s106 agreements on smaller residential schemes.
This enables us to require s106 contributions for new residential developments of one to four dwellings, using the Planning Obligations standard charge.
The SPD is made up of the following documents:
Planning Obligations SPD -
- Part A (General Principles)pdf file[901KB]
Planning Obligations SPD -
- Part B (Calculating Developer Contributions) pdf file[846KB]
Planning Obligations SPD -
- Calculator (MS Excell)csv file[6.55MB]
- Unilateral Undertaking Template User Guidepdf file[151KB]