We have a responsibility to provide adequate sites for use by Gypsies and Travellers.
Gypsies and Travellers are protected from discrimination by the Race Relations Act 1976 and the Human Rights Act 1998, together with all ethnic groups who have a particular culture, language or values.
The Government requires us to plan for traveller sites as part of the National Planning Policy Framework (2019) and Government’s Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (2015). Where possible we work to provide additional pitches at existing sites, but as with all types of accommodation, there is a shortage.
We have commissioned a
- Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (2017).pdf file[2.07MB]
Prior to this, we commissioned a Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Study. This study comprised of a
- main report (November 2014)pdf file[1.95MB]
- addendum (December 2015).pdf file[111KB]
We had an injunction banning unauthorised encampments on 108 sites in the Hertsmere borough, including public parks, green spaces and car parks. Due to recent decided cases, to which we were not a party, we applied to discharge this injunction.
The court has now discharged this injunction and it is no longer in force.
Further information
Hertfordshire County Council also has a Gypsy and Traveller Section to help maintain accommodation for some 200 families on various sites. Their telephone Hotline is 01707 897367.