Article 4 Directions in Hertsmere's Employment Areas

The following Article 4 Directions for Classes MA and ZA were modified by the Secretary of State on the 14th of June 2023 and relate to the employment areas within Hertsmere.

. (PDF 3.68mb)

(PDF 2.08mb)

The existing Article 4 Direction that restricts the permitted development rights allowing for conversion of storage or distribution premises (use class B8) to residential is unaffected and remains in place.

The confirmation of the Modification of the Article 4 Directions, as per above, supercedes the previously confirmed (25/05/2023) Article 4 Directions that are referenced below.

Changes of use from commercial, business and service uses to residential

  • Superceded (PDF 2.36Mb)

Demolition of a commercial building or block of flats and replacement with residential

  • Superceded (PDF 1.36Mb)

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The government has introduced new regulations that broaden the range of premises that can be converted or demolished and replaced by residential use without the need for a planning application. This is known as ‘permitted development’ (PD).

These new regulations mean that we need to update the measures we have already put in place to protect our employment areas from loss of commercial premises and the introduction of residential uses. Our employment areas are designated in the Local Plan.

We are introducing two new Article 4 Directions, which is a planning tool that can be used in local areas to remove ‘permitted development’ rights for a particular type of development.

We originally introduced Article 4 Directions in our designated employment areas, following consultation with all affected premises, in 2020. As a result, anyone wanting to change the use of offices, light industrial or storage / distribution buildings to residential in these areas needs to submit a formal planning application.

Since we introduced these original Article 4 Directions, the government has made further changes to permitted development rights, meaning that we need to update our Article 4 Directions affecting Employment Areas under Classes MA and ZA.

The Article 4 directions will take effect from 25/05/2023 having completed the public consultation.

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