After planning permission is granted you will still need to liaise with us.
Planning conditions are likely to have been applied as part of the approval and these limit and control the way in which the development can take place. Conditions are generally included to ensure the development is acceptable and range from specifying the type of materials used, or controlling the opening hours of a restaurant to protect neighbours amenities.
In addition to conditions we may also attach informatives, which seek to guide you to other consents that might be necessary.
Informatives can range from the requirement to get building regulations approval for the development, through to the requirement of a Section 278 Agreement with the Highways Authority for approved alterations to roads and public footpaths. Unlike conditions, they are not a statutory part of the decision notice but the applicant will be advised to study them closely as they may help in ensuring the development is properly carried out.
A full list of conditions for each development will be in the officer's report and attached to every decision notice.