New Mayor welcomed

The borough’s mayoral chains have been passed on to Councillor Richard Butler.

Cllr Butler, pictured below left, takes over the role as Mayor of Hertsmere from Cllr Chris Myers and was inaugurated at our annual meeting yesterday (Wednesday 15 May). The new Deputy Mayor, Cllr Parveen Rani, pictured below right, was also welcomed.

Mayor and Deputy Mayor

During his time as Mayor, Cllr Chris Myers raised money to support Add-vance ADHD and Autism Trust and The Albert Kennedy Trust.

He said: “It has been an absolute honour to serve as the Mayor of Hertsmere over the past year. I am also particularly proud to have been the borough’s first openly gay Mayor.

“My consort and I have attended so many wonderful events during the year and have been deeply touched by the warm welcome extended by everyone.

“I will cherish my time as Mayor and wish the new Mayor, Cllr Richard Butler, every success in the role.”

New Mayor Cllr Butler is looking forward to his year as Mayor during which he will be raising money to support Hatzola and CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably).

Cllr Butler said “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as Deputy Mayor and am excited to take on the role as Mayor of Hertsmere.

“I have developed strong community connections over the last year and I look forward to spending more time in the community and meeting many more Hertsmere residents and volunteers.

“I'm delighted to have the support of Cllr Parveen Rani as Deputy Mayor.”

Watch a video of Cllr Myer’s Mayoral year.

If you would like to invite the Mayor to attend one of your events, please contact the Mayor’s Secretary on 020 8207 7477 or email