Donations from council staff helping people over Christmas

Seasonal spirit has sparkled among staff at Hertsmere Borough Council with hundreds of grocery items donated to local foodbanks to help families struggling with their finances this Christmas.

Many colleagues based at the Civic Offices have kindly donated to Borehamwood, Potters Bar and Red Trust Bushey foodbanks in time for their festive collections, with a wide variety of goods delivered to these sites by council staff.

Council volunteers then spent a morning packing festive items such as mince pies, crackers, biscuits, chocolates and other seasonal snacks, providing something special for local people who need extra support at this time of year.

Peter Geraghty, Executive Director at the council, said: “It’s wonderful that our members of staff have given so generously to help others over Christmas, which is a magical time but can also be a stressful and challenging time for many people.

“As a council, we always work hard to support our local communities and, of course, it’s vital that the foodbanks in our borough are helped, particularly at this time of year. Just a small donation can mean a lot to one person or a family, so this will make a difference to so many people.”

Foodbanks provide emergency food and support to local people in crisis. To find your local foodbank, please visit:

Advice and information on where to go for practical help with fuel costs, managing finances and making savings can be found at

Two members of council staff with some of the food being donated to foodbanks.
Some of the council volunteers who helped pack food at foodbanks for local people this Christmas.