Condensation and mould
Dampness caused by excessive condensation can lead to mould growth on walls and furniture, mildew on clothes and other fabrics and the rotting of wooden window frames. Condensation is caused by:
- Too much moisture being produced in your home
- Not enough ventilation
- Cold surfaces
- The temperature of your home
For more information read our guide to
- Controlling Condensation and Mouldpdf file[743KB]
Please contact the team for more advice or where you your landlord is reluctant to assist you.
Home Energy Saving
Did you know? Household appliances left on standby or plugged in but not in use will still be sucking power and are therefore known as ‘energy vampires.’ These can cost an extra £50-80 a year on energy bills. To find out how you can save both energy and money read the
- Home Energy Savingpdf file[706KB]
ECO FLEX Warmer Homes Scheme
You may be able to claim for a grant under the ECO FLEX scheme. The
- Signed Statement of intent (May 2023pdf file[176KB]
) explains who may be considered under this scheme. This is a government scheme which may provide a grant for heating, and insulation or low income or vulnerable clients. Contact us for further details 0208 207 2277 or email
Reducing heat loss in your home is one of the most effective ways to reduce your energy consumption, which will save you money on your gas or electricity bills and help the environment by reducing carbon emissions.
Even if you have invested in a new boiler, if your home is poorly insulated then excessive heat loss could mean you pay more than you need to in heating your home.
There are several areas to consider when thinking about insulating your home:
- Roof and loft
- Cavity wall
- Solid wall
- Floor
- Draught-proofing
- Tanks, water pipes and radiators
For more information in choosing the insulation that is right for you read our
- Home Insulation Guidepdf file[660KB]
Grants and schemes
For grants under the Warmer Homes Fund please contact Herts Help
For more information about the Hertsmere Council Warmer Homes scheme, visit YES Energy Solutions.
Read Our Statement Of Intent for the Warmer Homes Project (PDF 208kb).

For more ‘greener living’ tips visit Green our Herts, the awareness team working on behalf of the Hertfordshire Sustainability Forum to promote and provide information on a range of environmental issues relevant to Hertfordshire.
Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
- The Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarm Regulationspdf file[1KB]
(PDF, 77KB)
- Booklet for tenants and landlordspdf file[1KB]
(PDF, 219KB)