The night shelters below can provide emergency accommodation. They have vacancies on a daily basis and are suitable for men and women, offering separate sex accommodation, which can vary from dormitory accommodation to shared rooms. They rarely accommodate couples, so if you are a couple you may have to apply to separate night shelters.
Some night shelters operate on a referral basis only, meaning that your local council needs to refer you. If it is a direct access shelter, then you can turn up at the hostel yourself.
What is included?
Many night shelters will supply a breakfast or a light meal and some provide a small evening meal. The accommodation will only be open at a certain time in the evening and will close early in the morning after breakfast.
Each night shelter has different policies and some will allow you to leave your belongings during the day, but others will not.
How do I pay for the night shelter?
The night shelter will make a charge for accommodation. If you receive Job Seekers Allowance or Income Support you will need to claim housing benefit to help with the cost of this. If you are on a low income, you may also be able to claim housing benefit to help towards the charges.
How do I find a night shelter?
If the shelter offers direct access then you need to phone them. Demand for the night shelter can be high, so because of this, the number of spaces can be limited. Please ensure that you get to the night shelter at the correct time.
Night shelters in the area
8 Bricket Road, St Albans, Herts. Tel: 01727 859113
Open from 6pm to 8.15am. It offers emergency direct access night shelter on a nightly basis for 12 men and four women aged 18 and over.
Stevenage Haven
25 Nightingale Road, Hitchin, Herts. Tel: 01462 435835 or 01438 354884 or
Stevenage Haven is emergency accommodation for the homeless comprising of 40 single bed units. This service operates on a referral basis only for anyone over the age of 18. In order to access this night shelter you can be referred by the local authority, health agencies, probation services, social service and other service providers.
Severe Weather Emergency Provision (SWEP)
SWEP is a provision in place for rough sleepers when there is extreme weather. When the temperature falls to less than 0 degrees celsius for more than 3 nights, the council may offer temporary accommodation to those who are rough sleeping. The MET Office website is used to monitor this. You must have a local connection to Hertsmere to be considered for SWEP. You can contact the Homelessness Prevention team on 020 8207 2277.