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Hertsmere's Food Poverty Alliance

We are committed to working with many organisations across Hertsmere to help tackle food poverty in the borough.

Our primary purpose is to:

  • Reduce food poverty and food insecurity in Hertsmere.
  • Co-ordinate with partners to enhance the services available to the community.

The group is a subgroup of the Hertsmere Health and Wellbeing Board which is a subgroup itself of the Hertsmere Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) and will report to, and be guided by, the LSP and Hertsmere’s Community Strategy.

Members present include representatives from organisation whose work impacts food sustainability in Hertsmere, such as:

Borehamwood Foodbank

Potters Bar Foodbank

The Red Trust Bushey Foodbank


WD6 Food Support

Akshaya Patra Foundation

Citizens Advice

Communities 1st

Clarion Futures Communities

The Job Centre (Borehamwood)

Herts Help

Herts Sports Partnership

Hertfordshire Family Centres

Based on learning from the Hertsmere Food Poverty Alliance, Hertsmere Borough Council has worked with the Independent Food Aid Network (IFAN) to co-produce a ‘Worrying about Money?’ leaflet for the residents of Hertsmere aimed at reducing the need for charitable food aid. These resources have been co-designed to help people experiencing financial insecurity, and anyone supporting them, to easily identify and access local advice providers and ways to access existing entitlements and maximise income. Please view the


If you are in a crisis and require emergency food support please contact one of our three foodbanks for help right now:

For Borehamwood Foodbank please call 020 3583 1109

For Potters Bar Foodbank please call 01707 876060

For The Red Trust Bushey Foodbank please call 07483260440