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We only collect from households that have signed up for the service and present a sticker on their green bin.

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Hertsmere Health and Wellbeing Partnership

The Health and Wellbeing Partnership is the formal representative body for Hertsmere Borough Council and the Local Strategic Partnership.

It is the first point of contact, and consultee, on matters under consideration by Hertfordshire County Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board and Health Scrutiny Committee and NHS Hertfordshire, this includes reviewing proposed changes to local service provision and assessing the impact on the local community.

The Health and Wellbeing Partnership works together to develop and support initiatives to address the causes of ill health and to promote healthy and active lifestyles for all residents.

Hertsmere Physical Activity and Wellbeing Strategy

The purpose of this strategy is to set out the vision for health and wellbeing in Hertsmere which will be implemented by the Physical Activity and Wellbeing Partnership.

Health and wellbeing affects each and every one of us. We each have a responsibility to ensure that good health and wellbeing is promoted in our families, workplaces and communities.

We will work in partnership with a number of organisations to provide opportunities for everyone in the borough to improve their health and wellbeing.

(PDF 1.03mb)

Hertfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board

The Hertfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board (HSAB) is the key body for the coordination of the activity of various organisations - statutory, independent and voluntary - in Hertfordshire to safeguard and promote the welfare and well-being of ‘adults at risk’.

Safeguarding is everyone’s business and responsibility; HSAB is a multi-agency partnership, with representation from organisations and constituencies that work with and support the most vulnerable members of our community.

Find out more about how we are working to safeguard vulnerable members of your community through the Hertfordshire Safeguarding Adults Board website.