Food Safety - infectious diseases including food poisoning

Environmental Health Officers can investigate certain cases of food poisoning, and infectious diseases.

The decision as to whether or not to carry out an investigation will depend on the cause of the illness, whether a positive result confirming an infectious disease has been received, the number of people infected, the severity of the illness and any delay between the start of the illness and receipt of the report.

Anonymous complaints of food poisoning will not be investigated.

What should I do if I suspect I have food poisoning?

If you suspect you are suffering from an infectious disease, including food poisoning, it is recommended that you consult with your GP as soon as possible and discuss submitting a sample for examination.

Samples are useful as they can show which food-borne illness you are suffering from, or could rule out a food-poisoning organism. Viruses can also be detected.

Consult your doctor immediately if the person affected is a baby, elderly or has an existing illness or condition or if symptoms are prolonged or severe (e.g. bloody diarrhoea).

Food borne illness can spread quickly, partly because everyone in the family could have eaten the same food and partly because the bacteria may be picked up by close family contact (e.g. nursing the sick).

Viruses can also cause illness, similar to food poisoning and they also spread very quickly.

If you are a food handler or look after vulnerable people e.g. young, elderly, sick, you should not return to work until you are 48 hours symptom free.

Preventing the spread

If you or a member of your family are suffering from the symptoms of food poisoning, it is recommended that you follow the advice below to try and prevent the spread of the illness:

  • wash your hands after contact with the sick person, and before handling food.
  • do not use the same towel or face cloth as someone who is suffering with food borne illness.
  • clear up soiling accidents straightaway, wash with hot soapy water and disinfect with a disinfectant or bleach.
  • disinfect door and toilet handles, taps and the toilet seat after use and disinfect the toilet bowl frequently.
  • drink plenty of fluids while you are ill to prevent dehydration.

What causes food poisoning?

There are many different sorts of bacteria (germs) which can cause food borne illness. When food is kept warm, these bacteria can grow rapidly and reach dangerous levels within hours.

Good food hygiene standards in industry and the home are vital to prevent food borne illness.

The incubation period (time taken from eating the food to feeling unwell) varies with each type of organism and in some cases can be up to 10-15 days after consumption. It is important to realise that the last meal you ate may not be the cause of your symptoms.

The main causes of food poisoning and food borne illness are:

  • preparing foods too far in advance
  • not cooking foods properly
  • not defrosting foods correctly
  • storing foods incorrectly, so that bacteria can grow quickly
  • cross contamination of foods after cooking
  • infection from people handling foods due to poor hygiene

What are the main symptoms of food borne illness/food poisoning?

  • diarrhoea
  • stomach cramps
  • vomiting
  • fever
  • nausea
  • headache
  • dizziness

The most common types of food poisoning:


  • wash hands thoroughly before handling food and always after handling raw meat, raw vegetables and fruit, going to the toilet, blowing your nose or handling animals (including pets)
  • keep food preparation surfaces and utensils clean and disinfected (e.g. anti-bacterial).
  • prepare and store raw meat and 'ready-to-eat' food separately. Always keep raw and defrosting meat at the base of the refrigerator, below everything else.
  • store unwashed raw vegetables separately from 'ready-to-eat' food.
  • ensure that your refrigerator and freezer are operating properly, invest in a suitable thermometer. The refrigerator should operate at 5 degrees C or colder and the freezer at -18 degrees C or colder.
  • check the 'use by' dates on food and ensure that you use the food before the date expires, and even sooner once the pack has been opened (see instructions on label).
  • always store eggs in the refrigerator below 'ready-to-eat food' and do not eat food containing uncooked eggs.
  • keep pets away from food and food preparation surfaces.
  • defrost food, particularly meat and poultry thoroughly before cooking.
  • cook food thoroughly. Follow the manufacturers' guidelines and ensure that food is piping hot throughout before consumption.
  • cool food immediately after cooking and never allow it to be at room temperature for more than 90 minutes. Always store left over food in the refrigerator as soon as it has cooled to room temperature.

How to report a case of Food Poisoning

If you wish to report a case of food poisoning or have concerns about a food business within Hertsmere, please contact Environmental Health. Please include your name and contact details, details of the premises in question, what you consumed, dates & times, your symptoms and any concerns you have .