Keeping informed

The Environment Agency operates a flood warning system, giving information to the public, media, emergency services and local authorities. Monitoring of rainfall, river levels and sea conditions are undertaken 24 hours a day, with warnings issued online and by text if necessary. Find out more and sign up for flood warnings.

You can also view the current flood warnings in force or call Floodline on 0345 988 1188.

If you are flooded or about to be flooded

There are a number of things you can do if you are being flooded or about to be flooded. The Environment Agency publish useful advice on getting help during a flood.

What we will do

Our emergency assistance during flooding is as follows:

  • We have no legal responsibility to provide assistance to residents during a flood, however we provide emergency assistance on an ad hoc basis dependent upon local knowledge and experience of the situation.
  • We will provide sandbags or other equipment as appropriate, if they are available, to assist with flood defence within Hertsmere.
  • We will keep a stock of filled sandbags during times of potential flooding to aid the speed of response. We will deliver the sandbags or other equipment where the owner/occupier is unable to collect them from our depot. It is your responsibility to dispose of the sandbags once you are satisfied the risk of flooding has subsided. If you are aware that your home is at a high risk of flooding we recommend you obtain your own flood defence products, such as those on the National Flood Forum’s Blue Pages or sandbags from a builders' merchant. During a major flood event, we may not be able to reach all properties before flooding occurs.
  • We will provide engineering advice on how you can alleviate the risk of flooding to your property and issue general guidance to properties in Hertsmere of their roles and responsibilities under the Land Drainage Act 1991. We will provide, if possible, during times of severe flooding, engineering advice on site to assist with the use of resources and control the situation where appropriate.
  • We will assist with the dissemination of Environment Agency flood warnings where appropriate. We will keep the necessary equipment at our depot to carry out the above functions, or have facilities to get access to the appropriate equipment rapidly.
  • Very serious flooding, which results in the evacuation of houses and the provision of temporary accommodation is covered by our Emergency Plan.

Events over the past few winters have demonstrated that exceptional storms can cause flooding even on hill slopes, when the drainage system is simply overwhelmed by the amount of water it is expected to carry. In addition, when the ground is saturated even small additional amounts of rainfall will find it difficult to drain away from gardens and enclosed spaces.

At times of emergency, we will endeavour to protect the public at large and will not be able to assist a large number of individual homeowners who may find their properties threatened.

In the event of flooding please contact the relevant authority.

Who to contact