Subscribe for a Garden Waste Collection today!

We only collect from households that have signed up for the service and present a sticker on their green bin.

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Coming soon

Black, brown, green bin and new silver food waste bin

In April 2025 a new weekly food waste collection will be introduced. To make our rounds more efficient you may see a change to your collection day. You will receive information about this in a collection calendar delivered with your new food bin or you can check via our bin collection day finder.

Before the new service launches every household will receive a 23ltr silver food bin, one free roll of kitchen caddy liners and a collection calendar. Food waste will be collected every week on the same day as your other bins.

Silver food waste bin with roll of liners, calendar and service guide leaflet

How to recycle your food waste

You can use a kitchen caddy to collect food waste in the kitchen then transfer this to your food waste bin. Kitchen caddies are available free of charge, from centres across the borough (see locations below). Or you can use your own container, like a biscuit tin or ice cream tub.

1. Most people put a liner in their kitchen caddy then put their food waste in it.

open kitchen caddy with liner

2. Whenever you need to empty your caddy, simply tie the bags or tip the contents directly into your outdoor silver food recycling bin.

hand holding full bag of food waste over a kitchen caddy

3. Please put your food waste bin out for collection by 6am every week on your collection day.

Silver food waste bin with 6am clock image
Food waste bin with handle forward is locked and handle back is open

What can I recycle?

All uneaten food and plate scrapings, raw and cooked meat, fish, bones, dairy products, cheese, eggs, eggshells,  tea bags, coffee grounds, rice, pasta, beans, bread, cakes, pastries, raw and cooked vegetables, whole fruit, peelings. And remember to recycle your mouldy and out of date food, including ready meals removed from their packaging

Please do not put any of the following in your food waste bin:

Download a guide to the new food waste service


Improved waste and recycling collections

In 2023 we enforced our single black bin policy and in 2025 we will be introducing a chargeable opt-in garden waste collection service and a weekly food waste collection service. Revenue from the garden waste will ensure we can deliver the weekly food waste collection to all households. This will allow our residents to recycle more, helping divert waste from landfill and reduce our carbon footprint whilst ensuring we comply with anticipated legislation changes.