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We only collect from households that have signed up for the service and present a sticker on their green bin.

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Flats and other properties with shared communal facilities in Hertsmere may have a different waste and recycling provision to houses.

Please refer to the following information for both residents and managing agents to help you use the bins and maintain the bin stores correctly.

If you live in a flat

It's important that the correct items are put into the recycling bins. If the bins are contaminated (contain incorrect items) they will not be emptied. Please download our guide for full details of what is accepted in the brown recycling bin.

Front cover of Recycling in Flats leaflet

Recycling must be:

Loose recyclables and reusable bag - green tick. Bagged/tied recyclables - red tick
  • Loose, not bagged
    If you are using a bag to carry your recyclables to the bin please empty the items into the recycling bin first, then dispose of the bag in the general waste or use a reusable bag.
  • Clean and empty
    Please rinse out any food residue. Pizza boxes, dirty foil and any other food containers with food stuck to them are not acceptable.

Bulky waste or large items

Large household items such as sofas, chest of drawers or mattresses are your responsibility to dispose of correctly. They should not be left in the bin store area for anyone else to clear. We cannot empty bins if they are blocked by extra items or rubbish on top of the bins or on the floor.

Bin store with rubbish on top of bins and on floor plus large items and mattress dumped to show bad example. Second image is good example of bin store - bins tidy, no excess waste on floor, everything contained within a bin.

There are several options for disposing of large items. You may be able to get a free collection from a charity - visit our large household item collection page for details. Alternatively you can:

Managing agents, landlords and housing associations

As a managing agent it is your responsibility to ensure that the bin stores are kept in a reasonable state and allow easy access for our collection crew to empty the bins on the scheduled collection day. We will not remove any excess waste on top of or surrounding the bins or move any bulky items to get to the bins.

Contaminated recycling bins

If a recycling bin is recorded by the collection crew as contaminated, i.e. contains incorrect items, we will not empty it. Instead we will notify you and it is then your responsibility to make arrangements for the bin to be sorted or emptied before the next scheduled collection. You can arrange this via a private contractor or we can return and empty it as general waste, for a fee. For full details and charges please read our contamination procedure:

Available resources

It is your responsibility to educate residents and provide them with the correct information regarding their bins. Where new residents move into a property we would encourage you to provide them with our Recycling in Flats guide in their welcome pack. You can download this below, we can send you hardcopies or we can write to residents and enclose a copy.

Front cover of Recycling in Flats leaflet

We can also provide reminder letters to properties and the following posters are available for display in the bin store areas. To request A3 laminated copies please email

Black and yellow warning border with bold red text saying DO NOT CONTAMINATE - you may be charged

Poster showing what is and isnt acceptable in the brown mixed recycling bin

Poster advising residents not to dump large items in bin stores

Poster advising residents not to flytip in the shared bin store areas