Gang Crime and Exploitation

Reporting concerns

To report any concerns you may have please contact:

  • Hertsmere Borough Council: 020 8207 2277 asking for the Community Safety Team or
  • Police: 101 (non-emergency) in an emergency call 999 or
  • Crimestoppers: 0800 555 111

If you have safeguarding concerns for a child, young person or vulnerable adult please report these to:

  • Children's Services: 0300 123 4043
  • Adult Care Services: 0300 123 4042


We as the Hertsmere Community Safety Partnership are dedicated to supporting our residents and protecting them from exploitation. We encourage people to tell us when they have any suspicions or concerns about one of their neighbours, family members or friends being “cuckooed” or recruited by gangs. The information you provide can remain anonymous. You have the power to speak up for those who need protecting.


We can support young people and adults to access support services if they want to get away from this exploitation:

  • Community Support Service provides advice, emotional and practical support for adults who are experiencing mental ill health or need help with their mental wellbeing. For more information call 0203 727 3600 or 01923 727 356
  • Services for Young People Positive Alternatives programme is for young people ages 11-17 who are at risk of becoming involved with gangs and violent crimes and motivates young people to actively consider alternatives to gang culture and crime. For more information call 0300 123 7538 or email
  • Childline - supporting anyone under 19 in the UK with any issues they're going through
  • Fearless - available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to advise young people about crime and criminality
  • Missing People - a charity searching for missing people on behalf of the friends and family left behind.
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