Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Licensing Policy

This is our latest

This was adopted by the Council on 26 January 2022 and is effective from 1 March 2022.

Why do we have a Policy?

We are the statutory regulatory body for the private hire and hackney carriage vehicles, drivers and operators working in our district. This policy sets out how we carry out our legislative role, the licence application process, our considerations when granting a licence and how it enforces. Whilst hackney carriages and private hire vehicles are an important part of our local transport provision, these vehicles, their drivers and operators, can pose a danger to the public if not properly regulated. The policy sets out how we approach our responsibility to ensure that licence holders and vehicles are of sufficient standard to ensure the safety of the public.

New applicants and existing licence holders are expected to be familiar with this policy and the conditions of their licence.

For further information please contact licensing.taxis@hertsmere.gov.uk

Policy Suggestions and Changes

  • Our Policy is regularly reviewed. If you are a member of the public or the trade and wish for us to consider amendments to the Policy please email licensing.taxis@hertsmere.gov.uk