When elected, all councillors have to sign an undertaking that they will observe the Hertsmere Borough Council Members Code of Conduct. This ensures they maintain the high ethical standards the public expect from them.
Parish and town councils in the borough have also adopted a code of conduct, copies of which can be found on their web-sites or obtained from the parish/town clerk.
If you believe that the conduct of a Member of Hertsmere Borough Council or a Member of one of the five Parish or Town Councils in the Borough may be in breach of the Members Code of Conduct, you can make a complaint to our Standards Committee.
You must complain using our
- Standards Complaint Formdoc file[35KB]
Please give as much information as possible and please note that anonymous complaints will not normally be considered.
You are also advised that your identity will be disclosed to the Standards Assessment Panel (who give initial consideration to all member complaints) and, other than in exceptional circumstances, will also be disclosed to the member you are complaining about. In addition, should your complaint be referred for investigation you are expected to make yourself available for interview by the appointed investigator.
You can find out more information about how your complaint will be dealt with in the
- Statement of Arrangementspdf file[486KB]
Please send completed Standards Complaints Form to:
The Monitoring Officer
FAO: Chairman of the Standards Committee
Hertsmere Borough Council
Civic Offices
Elstree Way
Alternatively, you can e-mail your Complaints Form to: democratic.services@hertsmere.gov.uk
The decisions of the Standards Assessment Panel about whether a complaint will be investigated are normally published on our website for 56 days. Current decisions can be inspected on the Standards Assessment Panel - Decision Notices page.
The decisions of the Standards Committee about whether a member has been found to have breached any of the requirements of the Members Code of Conduct of their authority are normally published on our website for 56 days. Current decisions can also be inspected on the Standards Assessment Panel - Decision Notices