Wherever possible please use cashless provider Paybyphone.
If you fail to comply with the parking restrictions, or do not obtain or purchase a ticket from the Pay & Display ticket machines, you will be served with a penalty charge notice (PCN).
Contravention includes:
- Overstaying time-limits in short-term parking areas
- Parking on double or single yellow lines
- Parking in bays designated for the disabled, without displaying the required badge
- Parking in bays designated for permit holders, without clearly displaying a valid permit or without a virtual permit
- Parking in a resident/visitor's bay without a virtual permit or clearly displaying a suitable voucher, ticket or permit
- Parking in loading bays
You can see our full list of
- parking contraventionspdf file[43KB]
(pdf, 42KB).
If you have any questions regarding Penalty Charge Notices or Parking Enforcement, email cpz@hertsmere.gov.uk or phone 020 8207 7422.