Hertsmere Eco Flex Insulation Assistance

Hertsmere Council is operating the Energy Providers Eco Flex Scheme. Providing support for the most vulnerable homes. Insulation and other measures can be offered. To see if you are eligible and to discuss the measures please contact the National Energy Foundation, who are helping Hertsmere Council at;

T: 01908-665555 E: info@nef.org.uk W: www.nef.org.uk

In summary there are four possible routes to be eligible for assistance.

Route 1: SAP bands D - G owner-occupied households (or E-G for privately rented households) with a gross household combined income of £31,000 or less. This cap applies irrespective of the property size, composition, or region.

Route 2: SAP bands E- G owner-occupied households (or E-G for privately rented households) that meet a combination of at least two of the following proxies:

Proxy 1) Homes in England in Lower-layer Super Output Area 1-3 (LSOA)[1], or homes in Welsh provision LSOA 1-3 on the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019[2], or the Index of Multiple Deprivation for 2020, published by the Scottish Government[3]
Proxy 2) Householders receiving a Council Tax reduction (based on low income only, excludes single person reduction).
Proxy 3) Householders vulnerable to living in a cold home as identified in the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guidance. Only one from the list can be used, excludes the proxy ‘low income’.
Proxy 4) A householder receiving free school meals due to low-income.
Proxy 5) A householder supported by a LA run scheme, that has been named and described by the LA as supporting low income and vulnerable households for the purposes of NICE Guideline. Residents may be eligible under this Proxy if they have been supported by the Council’s Herts Help can be contacted on 0300 123 4044 or info@hertshelp.net or Text hertshelp to 81025 More information can be found here https://www.hertshelp.net/hertshelp.aspx
Proxy 6) A household referred to the LA for support by their energy supplier or Citizen's Advice or Citizen’s Advice Scotland, because they have been identified as struggling to pay their electricity and gas bills.

* Note proxies 1 and 3 cannot be used together.

Route 3: SAP bands D- G owner-occupied (or E-G for privately rented households) that have been identified by their doctor or GP as low-income and vulnerable, with an occupant whose health conditions may be impacted further by living in a cold home. These health conditions may be cardiovascular, respiratory, immunosuppressed, or limited mobility related.

This is because the Council has identified a positive correlation between households who suffer from long-term health conditions and living off a low-income, with living in poorly insulated homes.

Route 4: SAP bands D- G owner-occupied households (or E-G for privately rented households) that are referred under Route 4: Bespoke Targeting. Suppliers and LAs can submit an application to BEIS where they have identified a low income and vulnerable household, who are not already eligible under the exiting routes.

[1] The English Indices of Deprivation 2019 (publishing.service.gov.uk)

[2] Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (full Index update with ranks): 2019 | GOV.WALES

[3] Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020 - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)