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Pollution Control A to Z

Last Modified February 13, 2020

There are different types of pollution. Our responsibilities and the action we take will depend on the type.

Air conditioning and handling units

Some air conditioning systems and air handling units, such as those which use evaporative cooling, may pose potential health risks if not properly maintained, particularly from legionella. Therefore you should ensure your systems are serviced regularly.

Further information on the risks associated with evaporative cooling systems can be obtained from the Health and Safety Executive .


If you think your home may possibly contain asbestos, or you want information about removing asbestos you should seek professional advice. Strict controls need to be in place to deal with asbestos.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has information about dealing with asbestos

For advice on where to dispose of asbestos please contact Hertfordshire Waste Aware or call 08457 425 000


For information about bonfires, see our Pollution Control - Bonfires pages              

Chimney Height Approval

For information about chimney height approval see our Chimney Height Approval information                                                                 

Contaminated land

There are strict controls in place about contaminated land. See our contaminated land section  if you have concerns about pollution control.

Construction sites

We monitor construction sites and activities to minimise any pollution caused by noise, dust and other nuisances.

The law allows us to serve a notice on construction sites to restrict the hours and days of the week during which noisy work can take place. In most cases this notice will restrict the hours for such work between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 1pm on Saturday and all day on Sundays, Bank or Public Holidays.

If you have a problem with a construction site please contact us on 020 8207 7435.

Hazardous substances

Every year exposure to hazardous substances at work affects the health of many thousands of people.

Common examples include lung disease, skin irritation, dermatitis or skin cancer (e.g. frequent contact with oils, contact with corrosive liquids), occupational asthma (e.g. sensitisation to isocyanates in paints or adhesives), toxic fumes, occupational cancer etc.

There are strict controls in place under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health regulations enforced by the Health and Safety Executive.

Japanese Knotweed


Japanese Knotweed is an invasive plant which needs proper control and disposal.  


Noise nuisance can be very disruptive to daily lives. See our noise section for different types of noise and what we can do.

Smoke Control Areas

Hertsmere Borough Council has 13 smoke control areas  declared under the Clean Air Act 1993.

Open Fires and Wood Burning Stoves Leaflet


See our water section for our responsibilities around water control.

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