Our environmental health officers provide an out of hours service for a range of environmental health issues.

Normal office hours are 9am to 5.15pm, Monday to Thursday and until 5pm on Friday. If you experience a problem outside these hours, you should contact our out of hours service.

The Out of Hours response service is for emergencies and ongoing nuisance complaints.

A password system is in place so that calls can be filtered and dealt with efficiently using the resources available.

Calls will not be put through to an officer without the current password.

If your call is not put through to an officer on out of hours, then it will be dealt during normal office hours by the environmental protection team.

What sort of problems do you deal with?

How do I get in touch out of hours?

  • Call: 0345 300 0021

What will happen?

An operator will take the details of the problem and, if it is a matter that we can help with and the password is provided where required, it will be passed to the officer on duty. The duty officer will then contact you to give you advice and guidance over the phone.

This may include:

  • A recommendation that you contact another more appropriate agency.
  • A referral for the matter to be dealt with the next working day.
  • An arrangement to visit you in your home to make an assessment of the alledged nuisance.