Water is a precious resource and even more in Hertfordshire. Hertfordshire is one of the driest counties in the UK and the average consumption of water per person is 8% higher than national average.
What is the council doing?
- Working closely with Affinity water on issues of water leakage.
- Asking developers to include measures such that the average water consumption in new developments is well below that required by Building Regulations.
- Working with developers to include Sustainable Drainage provisions in new developments.
What can residents do?
- Soft landscape your front garden to allow more rainwater to seep into the ground and replenish our groundwater aquifers.
- Use rainwater harvesting systems to water your garden. You can install water butts linked to your rooftop drainage.
- Incorporating simple water saving tips into your daily life can materially reduce your water consumption.
What can businesses do?
- Businesses can purchase water efficient equipment or low flow restrictors in their operations and offices, as appropriate.
- Businesses can undertake a commercial water audit to help reduce water consumption.
- Consider installing rain water harvesting system for on-site landscape irrigation.
- Engage and train their employees in water saving measures.